sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Hands-On Kindle 3rd Generation

My new kindle arrived just yesterday, and came with a surprise: more expenses added to its total cost. I haven't brought anything from outside like this, so i was unaware of the costs involved in the process. As a total, i've paid $262.22, a little overpriced, but for saving me the wait until my next travel, that's ok. In May 23, this year, my previous ebook reader broke, it was a Sony Reader PRS-505 that i've got in my 2008 travel. I loved that device, and i must confess several times the plan was to replace the broken screen for that in the new device. In fact, i still feel the finish of the kindle cheap (it's plastic vs the metallic finish of the reader). After interacting with the software in the kindle, it has several other options that makes it better, so i think i will end up reading in the kindle. There are some advantages of the kindle itself, and some others of the screen. Page turns are faster, attribute -i think- of the eink screen. The integration with dictionary is a must, attribute of the kindle. The ability to create collections, point to the kindle. In some previous review, i read that i had to take care of the usb cable since it was unconventional. I think that by this time, that cable is the most common, since is the same the cellphones are using to connect to a PC or directly to the wall. I've used the cable from my cell phone, connected directly to the wall, and it charged my kindle perfectly. I guess it will be the same with the usb cable connected to the computer (haven't tried it yet). The downloading of the books via whispernet was incredibly fast. They downloaded in less than a minute while a friend of mine was driving back from customs, right after picking up the kindle. It had battery more than enough right out of the box to play with it for all day before getting home to charge it. As for the reading in english, two or three words up to now, and the dictionary always there is something i wouldn't trade at this point. My concern right now is to create a DIY cover, since i forgot to order it along with the kindle. I think i'll try to reuse the case from my late reader, but i don't know still how i'll manage to hand made the hooking pieces. I'll deal with it later this week. For now, it will have to squeeze inside my notes holder, in order to get a little protection.

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